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Survival Life Offers Practical Survival Skills and Gear

Recently we’ve been asked what we think about the website Suvival Life (survivallife.com). At first glance, the website overpowers you with ads, blogs, news, and products that cover almost the full spectrum of survival topics. Once you get used to it, it’s easy to see how each section is organized. If you want to learn things such as which knife is the best in a survival scenario or how to grow vertical gardens, then this is your place.

Above Average Joe

Above Average Joe

Survival Life Editors and Experts

The editor of the site is a guy simply called “Above Average Joe.”  His bio says:

The ‘Above Average’ Joe is a guy with an exceptional passion for learning. He has always had an interest in finding uncommon uses for everyday items and believes that if you can’t find at least three uses for a single item it isn’t worth having.  Joe started down the path of survival and preparedness several years ago and treats every day as a learning experience. Joe is excited to share the things he learns from his own personal experiences and research with the Survival Life community, and strives to ensure that every  “average Joe” has all of the information they need to be confidently prepared in this unsteady world that we live in.

Other experts include Dave Canterbury who looks like a rough and tumble outdoorsman with military and hunting experience. There is Dave Scott another ex-military guy with proficiency in tracking, signing, and bird watching. And then finally, the most corporate looking expert is Jason Hanson who is ex-CIA and a current NRA instructor.

The group looks like they know what they are talking about, but it is the member community that really makes the site run.

The Lamplighter Society

The Lamplighter Society is made up of people who choose to pay a $19.95 monthly fee and join the Survival Life community. This is what the promo text says:

For a limited time, you’re invited to join one of the best and fastest growing groups of survival-minded people in the country – the Lamplighter Society. Now, it’s not your fault if you’ve never heard of them. Like most smart preppers, members of the Lamplighter Society don’t go around drawing attention to themselves. Instead, they focus on getting the best systems, tools, and tips into their personal libraries. They’re building the knowledge base and personal connections that are critical to surviving a SHTF or TEOTWAYKI situation.

Survival Life Newsletter

Personally, I think $19.95 per month seems pretty steep to get prep information that may be readily available all over the internet. But you can make your own choice. Here is a preview of some of the topics they cover:

There’s Hide Your Guns, to help you keep your weapons away from thieves and even Uncle Sam. 170 Gallons gives you the tools to ensure a plentiful supply of clean water in almost any situation. Vertical Gardening and Seeds for Life help you keep food on the table if the supermarkets shut.Self-defense… bartering… bugging out… food storage… these reports hit all the big issues with just what you need to know now.

The Survival Life Newsletter

For those who don’t want to pay $19.95 per month you can always subscribe to the newsletter, which comes out on a daily basis. The newsletter usually starts out with an ominous warning and then continues with some text and images to grab your attention. Without fail, the end of the email has a “click here” call to action that directs the reader to a website or video that elaborates upon the issue. Invariably, there is always something you can buy.

The tone of the newsletter is a little darker than we prefer at Food Storage Reviewer. We think survival planning is extremely important, but we don’t condone the use of scare tactics to get our point across.

Furthermore, even though we are very aware of the fact that many preppers skew conservative and have a very negative opinion of the Obama administration, we don’t feel inclined to use politics to get our point across. You need to be prepared now regardless of which party is in the White House.

 Survival Life Survival Gear Deals

One part of the Survival Life website that is really valuable is the deals section. You can get great deals on a whole range of things such as knives, bags, knives, pepper spray guns, and even more knives. Did I mention knives :-) They have all sorts of knives including the famous credit card knife shown in the image to the right. Click here to view the deals.Credit Card Knife

I recommend checking this page if you are casually browsing for gifts for the serious prepper in your family.


Food Storage Reviewer is adamant about getting people prepared for any disaster and Survival Life definitely plays a role in that effort. The site is geared to get you to join the Lamplighter Society, which carries with it a $19.95 monthly fee. Even if you don’t join there is so much good information on the website and in the newsletter we recommend you take the time to check it out.

Best wishes,

Food Storage Reviewer

2 reviews for Survival Life Offers Practical Survival Skills and Gear

  1. ffdodgeim@yahoo.com


    Survival Life is frankly stealing from unsuspecting people, they are an internet predator. when you sign up for one of their “free” offers the trouble begins. As expected and explained on the site all you pay for is the shipping. what the site dose not say is that as soon as you submit payment for shipping they also go ahead and start banging your account for additional charges that are not authorized. When you call their customer assistance phone number no one answers. Please don’t take my word for this, look them up on the BBB’s website, you will find that they are on an alert. not enough proof? Check them out on Facebook, look at the customer feedback and you will see post after post describing the same experience. For anyone reading this and still trying to get their stolen funds back contact ClickBank. they proved to be very helpful and did refund the money and stop the syphoning of funds from my account. If I were part of the Survival or Law Enforcement community that is trying to help people and get information out to the public I would defiantly not want my name or reputation attached to Survival Life.

    • brocktrw@gmail.com



      Thanks for the thoughtful feedback.

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