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Five Things You Should Know About Jim Bakker Food: Year and a Half for You

We at Food Storage Reviewer have been getting a lot of questions about the Old Mill Inn line of food storage product from Jim Bakker. Jim Bakker has been selling preparedness goods for years, and we salute his zeal in getting people to take preparedness seriously. Jim Bakker Food Storage

As is the mission of Food Storage Reviewer, we take an unbiased view of every major food storage product on the market and give you our opinion. Here are five things you should know about the Jim Bakker “Year and a Half For You” line of food storage products.

Jim Bakker Resells Food from Food For Health International

Quite a few food storage companies simply resell food from wholesalers  such as Food For Health International. Food For Health International is both a wholesaler and a reseller and happens to be the main supplier for Jim Bakker. We were able to figure this out by comparing the names for the individual meals:

Food For Health 200 Serving Bucket

  • Tuscan Butter Noodles
  • Cheesy Broccoli Rice
  • Vegetable Barley
  • Creamy Vegetable Rice
  • Creamy Potato Soup
  • Italian Tomato Pasta
  • Brown Sugar Oatmeal
  • Whey Milk

The Old Mill Inn Year and a Half For You package contains the following similarities: Tuscan Butter Noodles, Vegetable Barley, Creamy Vegetable Rice, (Creamy) Potato Soup, Italian Tomato Pasta, Brown Sugar Oatmeal, and Why Milk.

Now you might say that it’s just coincidence there are so many foods that have the same name. However, as crazy as it sounds, it’s very difficult to get the United States government to sign off on the names of food products. So most food storage wholesalers just pass the same names on to their resellers. The real giveaway is the Tuscan Butter Noodles product. That name is exclusive to Food For Health.

There are Three Jim Bakker Food Package Plans

Jim Bakker currently sells three long-term meal packages: 7 Years Plus Two Bonus Years, Year For Two And One Year Bonus Too, and the Year For You And Half Year Bonus Too. Roughly speaking, for every year of food storage you buy, you receive a half year for free. The seven-year package sells for $3,000 (before shipping). The two year package is $1,000, and the one-year package is $500.

We don’t know how many calories these meals contain, so it’s difficult to say if you really can survive for the time period specified. We’ll talk more about calories later.

Jim Bakker Shipping

Shipping is a Whopping $120 Per Year of Food Storage

It’s pretty atypical for food storage sites to charge more than $10 for shipping. In fact, most will offer free shipping as long as you reach a certain spending threshold such as $500. Jim Bakker charges $120 for the one-year package, $240 for the two-year plan, and an incredible $720 for the seven-year plan. That’s extremely high, and we have no doubt Old Mill Inn is covering its costs/margins through its shipping prices.

Old Mill Inn Violates Rule #1 of Food Storage Preparation: Servings Not Calories

The most disappointing thing by far is the use of “servings” to describe what you get in these packages. We have long warned consumers against resellers who tout the high number of servings in their food storage packages without spelling out how many calories the packages contain. As you can imagine, a serving could be a little or a lot depending on your point of view. The only true way to calculate value is to look at the calories per dollar score of a particular package. Unfortunately, you can’t do that with the Jim Bakker emergency food products. We have tried contacting Jim Bakker for more information but have not received a response as of the date of this blog post.

There is No Additional Information and Very Long Lead Times

Another thing that raises our suspicion is the utter lack of information on each of these packages. In the additional information section at the bottom of each product page there is zero information. Contrast that with products from companies such as Nitro-Pack or The Ready Store, and it makes you wonder why Mr. Bakker couldn’t have described his product in more detail.

Finally, the lead times for these products are an astounding 10-12 weeks. Outside of the Japanese tsunami scare back in 2011, the food storage industry has never experienced three-month delivery delays. It seems odd that this would be the norm.

In Our Opinion

I am very skeptical of food storage companies that don’t publish calories or weight or that don’t provide in-depth pictures of the product. Additionally, when these companies advertise their food according to “servings” it makes  me doubly skeptical. I have no way of knowing exactly how much food you are going to get in these packages. However, I do know the quality will be great because it is coming from one of the most trustworthy food storage wholesalers in the industry–Food For Health.

Also, I am not a big fan of making the product cost low and then jacking up the shipping cost. It just doesn’t seem very forthcoming to me.

If you want a similar product that comes with full disclosure including weight, calories, and nutritional content as well as $10 flat-rate shipping check out the full review of the Food For Health 1,000 Serving Package. This is the lowest price you will find on this product.

Even though we don’t agree with the way these products are being marketed, we are happy Jim Bakker is raising awareness for food storage and emergency preparedness in general.


12 reviews for Five Things You Should Know About Jim Bakker Food: Year and a Half for You

  1. kolana1@hotmail.com


    I am a subscriber to the Jim Bakker food on a monthly bases that costs an extra $10 for shipping, which I believe shipping could cost less if he would use the Post Office one rate boxes at less the cost. People can save at least $120 a year just in shipping cost if they would go to the manufacturer’s website. All the items Jim Bakker offers, I’m now going to the websites to buy other food and non food items at less the cost which saves even more money. By the way, I’m cancelling my monthly food package cause it’s the same thing every month and never receive any of the new items he has been offering for 6 months.

  2. jilldun@umich.edu


    I worked up some numbers and for curiosity’s sake here’s the daily calories for Jim’s Year for You (using data from the Food for Health site and Jim’s own site):

    435.61 per day.

  3. roseludvik@gmail.com


    My 1000 lb safe didn’t cost that much to send ,one of the reason I looked for a cheaper place because of postage and I knew he was making a lot of money on it, cause its what they are good at doing don’t think they really care if you eat or not ,I would never but anything from him,but that’s just me,

  4. medic2003le@gmail.com


    I figured out that the high shipping costs was mainly for extra donations that go towards the building of “Lori’s House” a Home for that will be used for pregnant single woman who need shelter, and for a huge storage/conference building on the premises. That is why it is considered “donations” to them…. It’s all good, at least we know it goes to something :-)

  5. bruizer01@Gmail.com


    It goes to something alright…Jim bakkers pocket….he’s an ex-con and pickpocket….I’ll se see you in Hell….Jim… :)

  6. tom276@roadrunner.com


    Have any of you actually tried this food,it is absolutely horrible,we cant even stay in the house when its made.Im glad its for emergency cause that is the only time we will ever make it again and the it will be made outdoors

  7. yoga_mogul@yahoo.com


    All I can say is his bread is outstanding. I’m speaking of the loaves of bread already sliced. As for the food buckets we’ve only tried the pancakes and they, too were wonderful. So are the chips. The peanut butter and salsa are awful. The salsa tastes like a can of tomato sauce.
    I may check out Food for Health’s website, should one exist, to see what they charge for shipping.

  8. yoga_mogul@yahoo.com


    One other thing that bothers me. Jim speaks of the grid going down and/or the earth covered with soot or sand from Old Faithful going off (the internet said it will go off in one thousand years).
    Where do we get all this water to boil to make the food? You must have boiling water.

  9. Watselectric@yahoo.com


    I have purchased several of the survival foods, that Jim Bakker offers. They were all good., I liked the potato soup best. You can buy your survival food anywhere you want to. Its true we need to store water. Good clean water. Jim Bakker is trying to get people ready. God Bless him for this.

  10. sharon.willman@att.net


    I ordered the dry eggs around July 7th of 2015. I can’t tell you the quality of the eggs because as of September 17th (today) I have yet to receive them. I was told they were to ship the week of August 23rd. I called September 1st, was told they were shipping out that day. Just got off the phone with them after waiting around 17 minutes to get to talk to someone. The lady was very cordial and said they would not ship out until September21. I told her I wanted my credit card to be credited the $130.00. She said she would take care of it and would take up to 2 weeks for it to show up on my card. The charge was put on my card within a few days of ordering. Makes you wonder how come they were so expedient in getting this charged to my card, but not to take it off. I have a bad taste in my mouth. I was going to order more food, but will go with a reputable company. Is this a scam or what?

  11. Oviddillard@hotmail.com


    Why would anyone with any intellegent factor at all buy anything from this character. I would have mor faith in Kevin Trudeau .

  12. jeandesertflower@aol.com



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